Hour 19. Exporting Premiere Frames, Clips, and Projects: Part 1

Premiere offers a dizzying array of so-called export options. More than you will ever use. Making sense of them is the goal of this and the next hour.

The simplest task is to use Premiere as a VCR?to record your completed project to videotape. But even there, the plethora of possibilities can make your head swim.

Moving on, you can export a still frame or frame sequence to your hard drive for use in other programs, create an Edit Decision List for further editing on separate production equipment, or simply convert a video segment from one format to another.

You may want to post your clips on a Web site, put them on a multimedia CD-ROM, or create a DVD movie.

I'll save the Internet options and DVD output issues for the next hour. I'll go over the rest now.

The highlights of this hour include the following:

  • Deciphering Premiere's confusing export nomenclature

  • Choosing an export format?AVI, QuickTime, Still, Sequence, or Filmstrip

  • Wading through export options

  • Finally, exporting your project

    Part II: Enhancing Your Video