

System.Security.Cryptography (mscorlib.dll)sealed class
public sealed class CspParameters {
// Public Constructors
   public CspParameters(  );
   public CspParameters(int dwTypeIn);
   public CspParameters(int dwTypeIn, string strProviderNameIn);
   public CspParameters(int dwTypeIn, string strProviderNameIn, string strContainerNameIn);
// Public Instance Fields
   public string KeyContainerName;
   public int KeyNumber;
   public string ProviderName;
   public int ProviderType;
// Public Instance Properties
   public CspProviderFlags Flags{set; get; }

The asymmetric algorithm implementation classes that are wrappers around the Windows Crypto API (RSACryptoServiceProvider and DSACryptoServiceProvider) are able to read and write key parameters from the persistent Windows key stores. This class can be used as an argument to the implementation class constructors in order to specify the details of which key store should be used.

Passed To

DSACryptoServiceProvider.DSACryptoServiceProvider( ), PasswordDeriveBytes.PasswordDeriveBytes( ), RNGCryptoServiceProvider.RNGCryptoServiceProvider( ), RSACryptoServiceProvider.RSACryptoServiceProvider( )

    Part V: API Quick Reference