

System.Security.Policy (mscorlib.dll)abstract class
public abstract class CodeGroup {
// Public Constructors
   public CodeGroup(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy);
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual string AttributeString{get; }
   public IList Children{set; get; }
   public string Description{set; get; }
   public IMembershipCondition MembershipCondition{set; get; }
   public abstract string MergeLogic{get; }
   public string Name{set; get; }
   public virtual string PermissionSetName{get; }
   public PolicyStatement PolicyStatement{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddChild(CodeGroup group);
   public abstract CodeGroup Copy(  );
   public bool Equals(CodeGroup cg, bool compareChildren);
   public override bool Equals(object o);        
// overrides object
   public void FromXml(System.Security.SecurityElement e);
   public void FromXml(System.Security.SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level);
   public override int GetHashCode(  );    
// overrides object
   public void RemoveChild(CodeGroup group);
   public abstract PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence);
   public abstract CodeGroup ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(Evidence evidence);
   public SecurityElement ToXml(  );
   public SecurityElement ToXml(PolicyLevel level);
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected virtual void CreateXml(System.Security.SecurityElement element, PolicyLevel level);
   protected virtual void ParseXml(System.Security.SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level);

The abstract CodeGroup class provides the base class from which all concrete code group classes derive. Code groups are the fundamental building blocks of security policy. Each of the enterprise, machine, user, and application domain policy levels consists of a hierarchy of code groups that descend from a single root CodeGroup object. The root CodeGroup for a policy level is accessible through the PolicyLevel.RootCodeGroup property.

Although implementation varies with each concrete subclass, the most important elements of a CodeGroup are its membership condition, policy statement, and children. The membership condition and policy statement can be set at creation as arguments to the CodeGroup constructor, or later through the MembershipCondition and PolicyStatement properties.

The MembershipCondition property takes an object that implements the IMembershipCondition interface and provides the logic that determines whether an assembly or application domain qualifies for membership of the CodeGroup. The PolicyStatement property takes a PolicyStatement object that defines the effect the CodeGroup has on its members, including the permissions it grants and any attributes that the CodeGroup has.

Each CodeGroup contains a set of child CodeGroup objects each child can have its own children, and so on, establishing the code group tree structure used during policy resolution. The role of children in the policy resolution process varies with each subclass, and in some cases, the order of children is important. The Children property returns an ordered System.Collections.IList of child CodeGroup objects. To add and remove children, use the AddChild( ) and RemoveChild( ) methods.

The most important method of the CodeGroup class is Resolve( ), which takes an Evidence collection as an argument. Policy resolution of an assembly or application domain consists of the runtime calling the Resolve( ) method on the root CodeGroup in each policy level and passing it the assembly or application domain's Evidence collection. Although it is not possible for a program to invoke policy resolution for an assembly or application domain, Resolve( ) and ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( ) are useful for testing the permissions and code group membership an assembly or application domain would be granted by the CodeGroup object. Resolve( ) returns a PolicyStatement that represents the net effect of all code groups in the tree to which the assembly or application domain qualified for membership.


FileCodeGroup, FirstMatchCodeGroup, NetCodeGroup, UnionCodeGroup

Returned By

FileCodeGroup.{Copy( ), ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( )}, PolicyLevel.{ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( ), RootCodeGroup}

Passed To


    Part V: API Quick Reference