

System.Security.Cryptography (mscorlib.dll)sealed class
public sealed class RSACryptoServiceProvider : RSA {
// Public Constructors
   public RSACryptoServiceProvider(  );
   public RSACryptoServiceProvider(CspParameters parameters);
   public RSACryptoServiceProvider(int dwKeySize);
   public RSACryptoServiceProvider(int dwKeySize, CspParameters parameters);
// Public Static Properties
   public static bool UseMachineKeyStore{set; get; }
// Public Instance Properties
   public override string KeyExchangeAlgorithm{get;
 // overrides AsymmetricAlgorithm
   public override int KeySize{get;
 // overrides AsymmetricAlgorithm
   public bool PersistKeyInCsp{set; get; }
   public override string SignatureAlgorithm{get;
 // overrides AsymmetricAlgorithm
// Public Instance Methods
   public byte[  ] Decrypt(byte[  ] rgb, bool fOAEP);
   public override byte[  ] DecryptValue(byte[  ] rgb);
 // overrides RSA
   public byte[  ] Encrypt(byte[  ] rgb, bool fOAEP);
   public override byte[  ] EncryptValue(byte[  ] rgb);
 // overrides RSA
   public override RSAParameters ExportParameters( bool includePrivateParameters);
 // overrides RSA
   public override void ImportParameters( RSAParameters parameters);
 // overrides RSA
   public byte[  ] SignData(byte[  ] buffer, int offset, int count, object halg);
   public byte[  ] SignData(byte[  ] buffer, object halg);
   public byte[  ] SignData(System.IO.Stream inputStream, object halg);
   public byte[  ] SignHash(byte[  ] rgbHash, string str);
   public bool VerifyData(byte[  ] buffer, object halg, byte[  ] signature);
   public bool VerifyHash(byte[  ] rgbHash, string str, byte[  ] rgbSignature);
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing);
 // overrides AsymmetricAlgorithm
   protected override void Finalize(  );
 // overrides object

This subclass of RSA is the default implementation of the RSA algorithm and is a wrapper around the Windows Crypto API.

This class defines several new members in addition to those of the RSA class; the Encrypt( ) and Decrypt( ) methods encrypt and decrypt System.Byte arrays with the RSA algorithm. The SignHash( ) and VerifyHash( ) methods create and verify digital signatures for cryptographic hash codes. The SignData( ) method creates a cryptographic hash code for data read from a System.IO.Stream or a System.Byte array and creates a signature for the result.

RSACryptoServiceProvider does not implement the EncryptValue( ) and DecryptValue( ) methods defined in the RSA class.


System.Object AsymmetricAlgorithm(System.IDisposable) RSA RSACryptoServiceProvider

    Part V: API Quick Reference