
System.Security.Cryptography (mscorlib.dll)class
public class HMACSHA1 : KeyedHashAlgorithm {
// Public Constructors
   public HMACSHA1(  );
   public HMACSHA1(byte[  ] rgbKey);
// Public Instance Properties
   public string HashName{set; get; }
   public override byte[  ] Key{set; get;
 // overrides KeyedHashAlgorithm
// Public Instance Methods
   public override void Initialize(  );
 // overrides HashAlgorithm
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing);
 // overrides KeyedHashAlgorithm
   protected override void Finalize(  );
 // overrides KeyedHashAlgorithm
   protected override void HashCore(byte[  ] rgb, int ib,  int cb);
// overrides HashAlgorithm
   protected override byte[  ] HashFinal(  );
 // overrides HashAlgorithm

This class extends the KeyedHashAlgorithm class and implements the HMAC-SHA-1 algorithm, which uses the SHA-1 algorithm as the basis for creating keyed hash codes.


System.Object HashAlgorithm(ICryptoTransform, System.IDisposable) KeyedHashAlgorithm HMACSHA1

    Part V: API Quick Reference