Chapter 14: Space Wide Web by Adapters in Distributed Systems Configuration from Reusable Components

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David Rine has been practicing software development, computational sciences, and software systems engineering for 37 years. He joined George Mason University in June 1985 and was the founding chair of the Department of Computer Science, as well as co-developer of the School of Information Technology and Engineering. He is presently Professor of computer science, Professor of Information Systems and Software Systems Engineering, and Professor on the Faculty of the Institute for Computational Sciences and Informatics. He has been researching, teaching, consulting, working with the software industry and directing research projects in the areas of software systems engineering, computational science, information systems, computer science, and science and engineering education. Within the span of his career in computing, he has published over 200 papers and books in the general areas of computer science, engineering, information systems, computer applications, computational science, science and engineering education, systems engineering, and software engineering. Dr. Rine is internationally known for his work in science and engineering education, having accumulated many years of experience in directing curriculum, large-scale software, computational science, and systems projects.


Part IV: Applications of XML