You want to play a movie clip's timeline in reverse.
Use an onEnterFrame( ) event handler with the prevFrame( ) method.
You can programmatically reverse the playback of a movie clip's timeline with ActionScript. The onEnterFrame( ) event handler of a movie clip is called repeatedly at the same frequency as the movie's frame rate. Therefore, if you create an onEnterFrame( ) method definition for a movie clip that includes a call to the prevFrame( ) method, the movie clip's timeline will continually move to the previous frame at the movie's frame rate:
myMovieClip.onEnterFrame = function ( ) { this.prevFrame( ); };
If the movie clip's playhead is already on the first frame, prevFrame( ) has no effect. Therefore, to loop the movie clip's timeline while playing in reverse, add a conditional statement that goes to the last frame of the movie clip if it is already on the first frame. The current frame number is determined using the _currentframe property, and the last frame is determined using the _totalframes property:
myMovieClip.onEnterFrame = function ( ) { if (this._currentframe > 1) { // Play the clip backwards. this.prevFrame( ); } else { // Loop back to the end if we're already at the beginning. this.gotoAndStop(this._totalframes); } };
Recipe 7.8