
Why might Access prohibit you from deleting a record?


If you attempt to delete a record that has child records and you have established referential integrity between the parent table and the child table, Access prohibits you from deleting the parent record. For example, if you attempt to delete a customer, that customer has orders associated with him or her, and you have established referential integrity between the Customers table and the Orders table, Access prohibits you from deleting the customer.


What wildcard characters can you use when searching? Explain the differences between them.


The three wildcard characters you can use when searching are *, #, and ?. You use * to search for any character or characters. For example, St* searches for anything that begins with St. You use ? to search for any single character. For example, St? searches for anything that begins with St and is followed by any single character. Finally, you use # to search for any single number. For example, St# searches for anything that begins with St and is followed by any single number.


Explain how the spell check and AutoCorrect features in Access relate to the rest of Microsoft Office.


Access shares spell check and AutoCorrect with the rest of Microsoft Office. This means that when you add a word to spell check or AutoCorrect from within Access, it appears for the rest of Office and vice versa. Furthermore these tools function in Access the same way they function in the rest of Office.


Explain the various levels of the Undo feature.


You can undo changes while you are still within a field, after you move off a field, or after you move off a record. To undo changes while you are still within a field, you press Esc once or select Edit | Undo Typing. To undo changes after you move off a field, you press Esc once or select Edit | Undo Current Field/Record. To undo changes after you have saved a record, you press Esc twice or select Edit | Undo Saved Record.

    Part III: Creating Your Own Database and Objects
    Part V: Advanced Topics