
This chapter looked at how SQL Server implements security through a combination of logins, users, roles, and permissions. You learned the difference between statement and object permissions and how to apply them using Enterprise Manager and T-SQL. The procedures are fairly straightforward, but careful thought must be taken when implementing a security model to avoid unauthorized access to data. If I can stress one thing about security, it is to always give only the most restrictive access possible. Giving users too high a permission level is often an accident waiting to happen. Remember: As administrator, it is you who will be left behind to clean up the accident scene. If you do run into problems, perhaps the next chapter, "Database Backup and Restore," will come in handy. A thorough understanding of SQL Server's backup and restore procedures are essential to managing your databases.

    Part III: SQL Server Administration
    Part IV: Transact-SQL
    Part V: SQL Server Internals and Performance Tuning
    Part VI: Additional SQL Server Features