Section Markers

If you're working with long documents that are divided into different sections, section markers can help simplify your project by cutting down on the number of master pages and/or the number of documents needed. Section markers can be used for different departments in a magazine, different parts of a book, or wherever a document is made up of distinctly different sections (just so long as they're the same page size). Each section can have its own numbering schemeArabic, roman numeral, or abc. And here's what makes them so useful: A master page can have more than one Section Marker.

Section Markers are easy to use and automatically add the name of a section or chapter to your document folios. You can format (or style) the section marker as you would any piece of text to determine its appearance.

To insert a Section Marker:

  1. Create a text frame for your folio on a master page.

  2. Ctrl+Click (Right Mouse+Click) and choose Insert Special Character > Section Marker from the context menu. The word "Section" will be inserted into your type.

  3. Format the Section Marker the way you want it to look.

  4. To "activate" the Section Marker on a document page, select the page where you want the section to begin in the Pages palette and choose Numbering and Section Options from the Pages palette menu. Type the section name into the Section Marker field and click OK. This section marker will now appear on all pages based on the master page until another section is defined.

Figure 15.12. To change settings for a section, select the page that uses the section marker and choose Numbering & Section Options in the Pages palette fly-out menu.