Creating a New Record



After you've opened the table to which you want to add a new record, click the New Record button in the table window's navigation bar.


Access moves to the first available row in the table and selects the first field. Type the entry for the field, and press Tab.


Continue typing entries and pressing Tab until you complete the record.


When creating a new table, Access automatically places your insertion point in the first field of a new record. When you press Tab after completing the last field in that row, Access saves the record in that row and creates a new, blank record, ready for your entries. That means that the first time you enter data into your table, you don't have to make a special effort to create new records. If, however, you add records to your table at a later date, you'll need to know how to create manually a new row in which to place records.


Scrolling to the Last Row

If you prefer, you can scroll to the end of the table or click the Last Record button in the table window's navigation bar to quickly move to the end of the table, which contains a blank row by default. Then, press Tab to begin creating a new record.