Using Range Names in Formulas

Using range names can sometimes help you create and troubleshoot formulas. The use of range names is especially important if more than one person is going to be working on the file, because names are easier to understand than cell references. For example, a cell named SALES_TAX would make a sales tax calculation easy to understand.


Review the information in Hour 4, "Managing Your Files and Workbooks," if you need help naming a range.

You must name a range before you can use it in a formula. If you remember the range name, you can type it into the formula in place of a cell reference. Remember, though, that you must type the range name perfectly, or Excel won't accept it. If you don't remember the exact name of a range, let Excel provide the name for you.

When you come to the place in the formula where you want to insert a range name, click the Insert menu and choose Name and then Paste. The Paste Name dialog box, as displayed in Figure 5.9, appears. Select the range name you want to include in the formula and click OK. The box closes, and the range name is included in the formula.

Figure 5.9. Choose a range name to include in your formula.



You can select the cells to name and then type a name in the Name Box that appears above the Column A heading. For example, if you select A1:A9 and label it Salaries, you can enter =SUM(Salaries) in some other cell.

    Part I: Excel Basics