Creating a Presentation Using a Design Template



From the Task pane, click the Other Task Panes button (the down arrow in the pane's upper-right corner), and then click New Presentation.


The New Presentation pane appears. Click From Design Template.


PowerPoint 2003 installs with 24 presentation design templates you can use for your slide shows. Plus, you can install additional designs, or download more from the Microsoft Web site. A design template is simply a preformatted color scheme, font style, and background for a presentation.


Finding More Designs

To find more designs, scroll to the bottom of the Slide Design pane and click the Additional Design Templates option. PowerPoint prompts you to insert the CD-ROM you used to install the program, and then installs the additional design templates.


Getting Task Pane Help

To learn more about working with the Task pane, see Part 1.



The Slide Design pane opens. Scroll through the list of designs and click the one you want to apply.


PowerPoint immediately applies the design. Each new slide you add to the presentation will share the design you selected.


Finding Design Templates on the Web

If you scroll to the bottom of the Slide Design pane and click the Design Templates on option, your Web browser opens to the Microsoft Web page, where you can explore other templates available for downloading.


Undoing a Selection

If you don't like the design you selected, you can select another, or click the Undo button located on the Standard toolbar to return to the previous design.