Part IV: Practically Speaking: Type, Print, and Files

Part IV: Practically Speaking: Type, Print, and Files

Chapter List

Chapter 14: Introducing Letters and Such (Type 101)
Chapter 15: Printing Your Masterpiece
Chapter 16: Putting Your Art on the Web
Chapter 17: Moving Files Into and Out of Illustrator

In this part . . .

In our visually oriented culture, the way that words look can be as full of meaning as what they say. Small wonder that creating fancy, artistic type is one of the most popular uses of Illustrator. Illustrator offers easy (and practically limitless) ways to create wow-look-at-that artwork with a few simple steps.

In this part, I cover all the great stuff you can do with the newly enhanced type features, from aligning your characters and changing their size to making type flow around a circle or inside a shape. You also discover how to unlock the secrets of mastering the appearance of your type, from editing the minutest part of a letter to using the Create Outlines command.

Also, don’t miss the scoop on printing your creations, putting them on the Web, and how to move files in and out of Illustrator CS.