Sending an E-mail to a Contact



After you create a new contact or open an existing one to whom you want to send an e-mail message, click the New Message to Contact button in the Contact window.


An Untitled Message window opens with the selected contact's e-mail address entered in the To field. Type a subject for the message into the Subject field.


When you send e-mail messages, it's much easier (and less error prone) to select the intended recipient from a contact list than it is to type the recipient's e-mail address manually. That's why Outlook enables you to create a new e-mail message from within the Contacts window.


A Shortcut

If you prefer, simply click?rather than open?the contact to whom you want to send an e-mail message in the contact list, and then click the New Message to Contact button on the main Outlook toolbar.



Click in the message area and type the contents of the message.


Click the Send button. Assuming you are online and have set up Outlook to automatically send your messages, the message will be sent.


More Info on E-mail

You can get more information about sending e-mail in Part 2, "Creating E-mail Messages."