Scheduling an Appointment



Display the date on which the event you want to schedule is planned. (For help displaying dates, see the preceding task.)


Double-click the start time of the event. The Untitled Appointment window opens with the start time and end time filled in.


In the Subject field, type a name for the appointment (in this example, Book Signing). This text will appear on the calendar and in the title bar of the Appointment window.


By default, appointments last for 30 minutes. To change the end time, click the down-arrow button to the right of the End Time field and select a time.


Your calendar is useful only if you take the time to enter your appointments, meetings, and events into it. Then you can quickly view what's planned for a particular date.


Using the New Button

While you're in Calendar view, you can also click the New button on the toolbar to open the Untitled Appointment window.


Changing the Date and Start Time

If you need to change the start date or start time, do so using the Start Time drop-down list boxes in the Appointment window.



By default, Outlook displays a reminder alert box 15 minutes before the appointment is to begin. To turn off the reminder, uncheck the Reminder check box.


Click the Save and Close button.


The appointment is added to your calendar.


Location and Description

You can type a location into the Location field (this information appears in parentheses after the appointment subject in the calendar) and a description into the Notes area at the bottom of the window.


Scheduling All-Day Events

To schedule an all-day event, check the All Day Event check box. All-day events are not blocked out on the day calendar, but are listed at the top of that day.