Using Microsoft Equation Editor 3.1

Microsoft Equation Editor 3.1 is useful for creating extended mathematical expressions. Various mathematical symbols and templates simplify the process of constructing the most complex formulas. Begin by choosing Insert, Object and selecting Microsoft Equation from the option list. A working area, surrounded by a dotted box, opens on your screen, as does the Equation toolbar shown in Figure 29.30.

Figure 29.30. Use the Equation Editor for inserting complex formulas in your Word document.


Numbers, variables, and ordinary mathematical operators (such as =, +, ?) can be typed directly from the keyboard. To enter an operator or a symbol not available from the keyboard, click the appropriate button on the top row of the Equation toolbar and select from one of the options that appear in the drop-down menu.

Complex expressions such as fractions, square roots, or integrals can be added by clicking the appropriate button on the bottom row of the Equation toolbar and choosing one of the drop-down options. Depending on the choice, an expression has one or more outlined boxes for inserting numbers or other symbols.

The relative spacing for the formula is handled through the Format, Spacing menu option. This opens the Spacing dialog box (see Figure 29.31), where you can control the line spacing, matrix row and column spacing, superscript height, subscript depth, and limit height between symbols.

Figure 29.31. You can control a formula's overall spacing through the Spacing dialog box.


    Part I: Word Basics: Get Productive Fast
    Part II: Building Slicker Documents Faster
    Part III: The Visual Word: Making Documents Look Great
    Part IV: Industrial-Strength Document Production Techniques
    Part VI: The Corporate Word