Setting the Find and Replace dialog box options for a specific tag search

Setting the Find and Replace dialog box options for a specific tag search

Use the Find and Replace dialog box to search for text or tags in a document, and to replace the found material with other text or tags.

To set find and replace options for a specific tag search:

  1. In the Search pop-up menu, select Specific Tag.
  2. Select a specific tag or [any tag] from the pop-up menu next to the Search pop-up menu, or type a tag name in the text box.
  3. (Optional.) Limit the search with one of the following tag modifiers:

    With Attribute lets you specify an attribute that must be in the tag for it to match. You can specify a particular value for the attribute or select [any value].

    Without Attribute selects an attribute that must not be in the tag for it to match. For example, select this option to search for all img tags with no alt attribute.

    Containing specifies text or a tag that must be contained within the original tag for it to match. For example, in the code <b><font size="4">heading 1</font></b>, the font tag is contained within the b tag.

    Not Containing specifies text or a tag that must not be contained within the original tag for it to match.

    Inside Tag specifies a tag that the target tag must be contained in for it to match.

    Not Inside Tag specifies a tag that the target tag must not be contained in for it to match.

  4. (Optional.) To limit the search further, click the Plus (+) button and repeat step 3.
  5. If you didn’t apply any tag modifiers in steps 3 and 4, then click the Minus (-) button to remove the tag modifiers pop-up menu.
  6. If you want to perform an action when the tag is found (such as removing or replacing the tag), select the action from the Action pop-up menu and, if applicable, specify any additional information necessary to perform the action.
  7. Follow the procedure in Setting the Find and Replace dialog box options to set other options and initiate the search.

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