Show Pop-Up Menu

Show Pop-Up Menu

You use the Show Pop-Up Menu behavior to create or edit a Dreamweaver pop-up menu or to open and modify a Fireworks pop-up menu you’ve inserted in a Dreamweaver document.

You set options in the Show Pop-Up Menu dialog box to create a horizontal or vertical pop-up menu. You can use this dialog box to set or modify the color, text, and position of a pop-up menu.

To view a pop-up menu in a document, you must open the document in a browser window, then roll the pointer over the triggering image or link.

To use the Show Pop-up Menu action:

  1. Select an object to attach the behavior to and open the Behaviors panel (Shift+F4).
  2. Click the Plus (+) button and select Show Pop-Up Menu from the Actions pop-up menu.
  3. In the Show Pop-Up Menu dialog box that appears, use the following tabs to set options for the pop-up menu:

    Contents allows you to set the name, structure, URL, and target of individual menu items.

    Appearance enables you to set the appearance of the menu’s Up State and Over State and to set font choices for menu item text.

    Advanced allows you to set the properties of the menu cells. For example, you can set cell width and height, cell color and border width, text indention, and the length of delay before the menu appears after the user moves the pointer over the trigger.

    Position lets you set where the menu is positioned relative to the triggering image or link.

This section covers the following topics:

  • Adding, removing, and changing the order of pop-up menu items
  • Setting the appearance of a pop-up menu
  • Setting advanced appearance options
  • Setting a pop-up menu’s position in a document
  • Modifying a pop-up menu

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Inserting and Formatting Text
Adding Audio, Video, and Interactive Elements
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly