Setting the Synchronize dialog box options

Setting the Synchronize dialog box options

The purpose of this dialog box is to preview the actions Dreamweaver will perform to synchronize the files, and to change one or more of these actions if you want.

To change the actions to be performed to synchronize the files:

  1. Verify the action that will be performed for each file.
  2. To change the action for a particular file, select the file, and then click one of the action icons at the bottom of the preview window.

    If the action icon is grayed out, the action cannot be performed.

    The Compare action works only if you installed and specified a file comparison tool in Dreamweaver. For more information, see Comparing files for differences.

    The Mark Selected Files As Already Synced button lets you tell Dreamweaver that the selected file or files are already synchronized.

  3. Click OK to synchronize the files.

You can view or save the details of the synchronization to a local file. For more information, see Managing file transfers.

Related topics

  • Synchronizing the files on your local and remote sites

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