Dreamweaver comes with several professionally developed page layout and design element files. You can use these design files as starting points for designing pages in your sites. When you create a document based on a design file, Dreamweaver creates a copy of the file.
If you create a document based on a predefined frameset only the frameset structure is copied, not the frame contents; additionally, you will have to save each frame file separately. For information about saving frames, see Saving frame and frameset files. |
The New Document dialog box appears. The General tab is already selected.
You can preview a design file and read a brief description of a documents design elements.
For more information about options in this dialog box, see Setting options in the General tab of the New Document dialog box.
The new document opens in the Document window. If you selected a CSS style sheet, the CSS document appears in the Document window and the CSS Style Sheet opens in Code view.
If the file contains links to asset files, the Copy Dependent Files dialog box appears for you to save a copy of the dependent files.
You can choose your own location for the dependent files or use the default folder location Dreamweaver generates (based on the design files source name).