Creating a record counter using the Recordset Navigation Status object

Creating a record counter using the Recordset Navigation Status object

The Recordset Navigation Status object creates a text entry on the page to display the current record status.

To use the Recordset Navigation Status server object:

  1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the record counter.
  2. Select Insert > Application Objects > Recordset Navigation Status.

    The Insert Recordset Navigation Status dialog box is displayed.

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

    Select the recordset you want to use from the Recordset pop-up menu.

  3. Click OK.

    The Recordset Navigation Status server object inserts a text record counter that appears similar to the one shown below:

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

    You can use the Dreamweaver page-design tools to customize the record counter.

    When viewed in the Live Data window or a browser, the counter will appear similar to the one shown below:

    This is a picture of the feature being described.

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