Playback options

Playback options

The following are the playback options for viewing the animation.

This is a picture of the feature being described.

Rewind moves the playback head to the first frame in the timeline.

Back moves the playback head one frame to the left. Click Back and hold down the mouse button to play the timeline backward.

Play moves the playback head one frame to the right. Click Play and hold down the mouse button to play the timeline forward.

Autoplay makes a timeline begin playing automatically when the current page loads in a browser. Autoplay attaches a behavior to the page’s body tag that executes the Play Timeline action when the page loads.

Loop makes the current timeline loop indefinitely while the page is open in a browser. Loop inserts the Go to Timeline Frame behavior in the Behaviors channel after the last frame of the animation. Double-click the behavior’s marker in the Behaviors channel to edit the parameters for this behavior and change the number of loops.

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