In this section youll use the CSS Styles panel to create a custom CSS rule, or class style. Class styles let you set style attributes for any range or block of text, and can be applied to any HTML tag. For more information on different types of CSS rules, see Learn about CSS.
Make sure that you type the period (.) before the word "bold." All class styles must start with a period
The CSS Rule Definition dialog box appears, indicating that you are creating a class style called .bold in the cafe_townsend.css file.
For more information about any CSS property, check the OReilly reference guide included with Dreamweaver. To display the guide, select Help > Reference and select OReilly CSS Reference from the pop-up menu in the Reference panel. |
Youll see that Dreamweaver added the .bold class style to the list of rules defined in the external style sheet. If you click the .bold rule in the All Rules pane, the rules properties appear in the Properties pane. The new rule also appears in the Style pop-up menu in the Property inspector.