Viewing and editing head content

Viewing and editing head content

You can view the elements in the head section of a document using the View menu, the Document window’s Code view, or the Code inspector.

To view elements in the head section of a document:

  • Select View > Head Content. For each element of the head content, a marker appears at the top of the Document window in Design view.

To insert an element into the head section of a document:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Insert bar’s Head category, select click one of the object buttons.
    • Select an item from the Insert > Head Tags submenu.
  2. Enter options for the element in the dialog box that appears, or in the Property inspector.

To edit an element in the head section of a document:

  1. Select View > Head Content.
  2. Click one of the icons in the head section to select it.
  3. Set or modify the properties of the element in the Property inspector.

For information about the properties of specific head elements, see the following topics:

  • Setting Meta properties
  • Setting Title properties
  • Setting Keywords properties
  • Setting Description properties
  • Setting Refresh properties
  • Setting Base properties
  • Setting properties for the link tag

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