Viewing your code

Viewing your code

You can view the source code for the current document in several ways: you can display it in the Document window by turning on Code view, you can split the Document window to display both the page and its associated code, or you can work in the Code inspector, a separate coding window. The Code inspector works just like Code view; you can think of it as a detachable Code view for the current document.

This section contains instructions for changing the way you view your code.

To view code in the Document window:

  • Select View > Code.

To code and visually edit a page in the Document window at the same time:

  1. Select View > Code and Design.

    The code appears in the top pane and the page appears in the bottom pane.

  2. To display the page on top, select View > Design View on Top.
  3. To adjust the size of the panes in the Document window, drag the splitter bar to the desired position.

    The splitter bar is located between the two panes.

    Code view is updated automatically when you make changes in Design view. However, after making changes in Code view, you must manually update the document in Design view by clicking in Design view or pressing F5.

To view code in a separate window:

  • Select Window > Code Inspector.

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Setting Up Your Coding Environment
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly