Displaying tabbed documents (Macintosh)

Displaying tabbed documents (Macintosh)

On the Macintosh, Dreamweaver can display multiple documents in a single Document window by using tabs to identify each document. Dreamweaver can also display them as part of a floating workspace, in which each document appears in its own window.

To open a tabbed document in a separate window:

  • Right-click or Control-click the tab and select Move to New Window from the context menu.

To combine separate documents into tabbed windows:

  • Select Window > Combine as Tabs.

To change the default tabbed document setting:

  1. Select Dreamweaver > Preferences, and then select the General category.
  2. Select or deselect Open Documents in Tabs, and click OK.

Related topics

  • The workspace layout
  • Saving custom workspace layouts
  • Cascading or tiling Document windows

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