This Property inspector allows you to set properties for tables.
Table Id is an ID for the table.
Rows and Cols are the number of rows and columns in the table.
W and H are the width and height of the table in pixels, or as a percentage of the browser windows width.
You usually dont need to set the height of a table. |
CellPad is the number of pixels between a cells content and the cell boundaries.
CellSpace is the number of pixels between adjacent table cells.
If you dont explicitly assign values for cell spacing and cell padding, most browsers display the table as if cell padding were set to 1 and cell spacing were set to 2. To ensure that browsers display the table with no padding or spacing, set Cell Padding and Cell Spacing to 0. |
Align determines where the table appears, relative to other elements in the same paragraph, such as text or images.
Left aligns the table to the left of other elements (so that text in the same paragraph wraps around the table to the right); Right aligns the table to the right of other elements (with text wrapping around it to the left); and Center centers the table (with text appearing above and/or below the table). Default indicates that the browser should use its default alignment.
When alignment is set to Default, other content is not displayed next to the table. To display a table next to other content, use Left or Right alignment. |
Border specifies the width, in pixels, of the tables borders.
If you dont explicitly assign a value for the border, most browsers display the table as if the border were set to 1. To ensure that browsers display the table with no border, set Border to 0. To view cell and table boundaries when the border is set to 0, select View > Visual Aids > Table Borders. |
Clear Column Widths and Clear Row Heights buttons delete all explicitly specified row height or column width values from the table.
Convert Table Widths to Pixels and Convert Table Heights to Pixels buttons set the width or height of each column in the table to its current width in pixels (also sets the width of the whole table to its current width in pixels).
Convert Table Widths to Percent and Convert Table Heights to Percent buttons set the width or height of each column in the table to its current width expressed as a percentage of the Document windows width (also sets the width of the whole table to its current width as a percentage of the Document windows width).
Bg Color is the tables background color.
Brdr Color is the color for the tables borders.
Bg Image is the tables background image.