Define a remote folder

Define a remote folder

Now you’ll set up a remote folder so that you can publish your web pages. The remote folder often has the same name as the local folder because your remote site is usually an exact duplicate of your local site. That is, the files and subfolders that you post to your remote folder are copies of the files and subfolders that you create locally.

  1. On your remote server, create an empty folder inside the web root folder for the server.

    Name the new empty folder cafe_townsend (the same name as your local root folder).

  2. In Dreamweaver, select Site > Manage Sites.
  3. In the Manage Sites dialog box, select the Cafe Townsend site.

    If you did not define the Cafe Townsend site, create a local folder for the site before you proceed. For more information, see Tutorial: Setting Up Your Site and Project Files.

  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the Site Definition dialog box, click the Advanced tab if the Advanced settings aren’t showing.
  6. Select Remote Info from the Category list on the left.
  7. Select an Access option.

    The most common methods for connecting to a server on the Internet are FTP and SFTP; the most common method for connecting to a server on your intranet, or to your local computer if you’re using that as a web server, is Local/Network. If you aren’t sure what to select, ask the server’s system administrator.

    For more information, click Help in the dialog box.

  8. If you selected FTP, enter the following options:
    • Enter the host name of the server (such as
    • In the Host directory text box, enter the path on the server from the FTP root folder to the remote site’s root folder (cafe_townsend). If you’re not sure of the path, consult your system administrator.

      In many cases, this text box should be left blank.

    • Enter your user name and password in the appropriate text boxes.
    • If your server supports SFTP, select the Use Secure FTP (SFTP) option.
    • Click Test to test your connection.
    • If the connection is unsuccessful, consult your system administrator.

    For more information, click Help in the dialog box.

  9. If you selected Local/Network, click the folder icon next to the text box and browse to the remote site’s root folder.

    For more information, click Help in the dialog box.

  10. Click OK.

    Dreamweaver creates a connection to the remote folder.

  11. Click Done to close the Manage Sites dialog box.

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly