You use the CSS Styles panel to view, create, edit, and remove CSS styles, as well as to attach external style sheets to documents. (For an overview of this panel, see About the CSS Styles panel.)
You can change the double-clicking behavior for editing CSS, as well as other behaviors, by changing Dreamweaver preferences. For more information, see Setting CSS Styles preferences in Using Dreamweaver Help. |
You can change the double-clicking behavior for editing CSS, as well as other behaviors, by changing Dreamweaver preferences. For more information, see Setting CSS Styles preferences in Using Dreamweaver Help. |
In both All and Current modes, the CSS Styles panel contains three buttons that let you alter the view in the Properties pane (the bottom pane):
Category View divides the Dreamweaver-supported CSS properties into eight categories: font, background, block, border, box, list, positioning, and extensions. Each categorys properties are contained in a list that you expand or collapse by clicking the Plus (+) button next to the category name. Set properties appear (in blue) at the top of the list.
List View displays all of the Dreamweaver-supported CSS properties in alphabetical order. Set properties appear (in blue) at the top of the list.
Set Properties View displays only those properties that have been set. Set Properties view is the default view.
In both All and Current modes, the CSS Styles panel also contains the following buttons:
Attach Style Sheet opens the Link External Style Sheet dialog box. Select an external style sheet to link to or import into your current document. For information about attaching an external style sheet, see Linking to or importing an external CSS style sheet.
New CSS Rule opens a dialog box in which you can select the type of style youre creating--for example, to create a class style, redefine an HTML tag, or to define a CSS selector. For more information, see Creating a new CSS rule.
Edit Style opens a dialog box in which you can edit the styles in the current document or in an external style sheet. For information about updating a style sheet, see Editing a CSS rule.
Delete CSS Rule removes the selected rule or property from the CSS Styles panel, and removes the formatting from any element to which it was applied. (It does not, however, remove references to that style).
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the CSS Styles panel to open a context menu of options for working with CSS style sheet commands. |