Dynamically preselecting an item in an ASP.NET RadioButtonList

Dynamically preselecting an item in an ASP.NET RadioButtonList

You can let the server decide whether to select a radio button in a RadioButtonList control when the page is loaded in a browser.

Before you begin, you must insert at least one ASP.NET RadioButtonList control in your page. You must also define a DataSet or other source of dynamic content for the radio buttons. For more information, see Defining a recordset. Ideally, the source of content should contain Boolean data, such as Yes/No or true/false.

To dynamically preselect a radio button in a RadioButtonList:

  1. In Design view, select the RadioButtonList control.
  2. In the Property inspector, click List Items.

    The List Items dialog box appears.

  3. Select the From Database option and complete the dialog box.

    For instructions, click the Help button in the dialog box.

Related topics

  • Dynamically preselecting HTML radio buttons

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