Inserting a server-side include

Inserting a server-side include

You can use Dreamweaver to insert server-side includes in your page.

To insert a server-side include:

  1. Select Insert > Server-Side Include.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, browse to and select a file.

    By default, Dreamweaver inserts a File type of include.

  3. To change the type of the include, select the server-side include in the Document window and change the type in the Property inspector (Window > Properties), as follows:
    • If your server is an Apache web server, select Virtual. In Apache, Virtual works in all cases, while File works only in some cases.
    • If your server is a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), select File. (Virtual works with IIS only in certain specific circumstances.)
    • For other kinds of servers, or if you don’t know what kind of server you’re using, ask your system administrator which option to use.

To change which file is included:

  1. Select the server-side include in the Document window.
  2. Open the Property inspector (Window > Properties).
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the folder icon and browse to and select a new file to include.
    • In the text box, type the path and filename of the new file to include.

Related topics

  • Server-side includes
  • Editing the contents of a server-side include

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