Jump Menu Go

Jump Menu Go

The Jump Menu Go action is closely associated with the Jump Menu action; Jump Menu Go lets you associate a Go button with a jump menu. (Before you use this action, a jump menu must already exist in the document.) Clicking the Go button opens the link that’s selected in the jump menu. A jump menu doesn’t normally need a Go button; selecting an item from a jump menu generally causes a URL to load without any need for further user action. But if the visitor selects the same item that’s already chosen in the jump menu, the jump doesn’t occur. In general, that doesn’t matter, but if the jump menu appears in a frame, and the jump menu items link to pages in other frames, a Go button is often useful, to allow visitors to re-select an item that’s already selected in the jump menu.

To add a Jump Menu Go action:

  1. Select an object to use as the Go button (generally a button image), and open the Behaviors panel.
  2. Click the Plus (+) button and select Jump Menu Go from the Actions pop-up menu.
  3. In the Choose Jump Menu pop-up menu, select a menu for the Go button to activate.
  4. Click OK.

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