Setting checkbox properties

Setting checkbox properties

Use this Property inspector to set the properties of a checkbox.

To set checkbox properties:

  1. In the CheckBox text box, assign a name to the object.

    Every checkbox must have a unique name. The name you choose must uniquely identify the checkbox within the form. The name cannot contain spaces or special characters.

  2. Set any of the following options in the Property inspector:

    Checked Value set the value to be sent to the server when the checkbox is checked. For example, in a survey you might set a value of 4 for strongly agree and a value of 1 for strongly disagree.

    Initial State determines whether the checkbox is selected or not when the form loads in the browser.

    Dynamic lets the server dynamically determine the initial state of the checkbox. For example, you can use checkboxes to visually present the "Yes/No" information stored in a database record. At design time, you don’t know that information. At runtime the server reads the database record and selects the checkbox if the value is Yes.

    Class lets you apply CSS rules to the object.

Related topics

  • Inserting HTML checkboxes
  • Form objects
  • Dynamic form objects
  • Dynamically preselecting HTML checkboxes

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