Setting cell, row, and column properties

Setting cell, row, and column properties

This Property inspector allows you to set properties for table elements (cells, row, and columns).

To set properties for a table element:

  1. Set any of the following options:

    Horz specifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of a cell, row, or column. You can align the contents to the left, right, or center of the cells, or you can indicate that the browser should use its default alignment (usually left for regular cells and center for header cells).

    Vert specifies the vertical alignment of the contents of a cell, row, or column. You can align the contents to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline of the cells, or indicate that the browser should use its default alignment (usually middle).

    W and H are the width and height of selected cells in pixels, or as a percentage of the entire table’s width or height. To specify a percentage, follow the value with a percent symbol (%). To let the browser determine the proper width or height based on the contents of the cell and the widths and heights of the other columns and rows, leave the field blank (the default).

    By default, a browser chooses a column width to accommodate the widest image or the longest line in a column. This is why a column sometimes becomes much wider than the other columns in the table when you add content to it.

    By default, a browser chooses a row height to accommodate all the text and images in the row.

    Bg (upper text field) is the filename for the background image for a cell, column, or row. Click the folder icon to browse to an image, or use the Point-to-File icon to select an image file.

    Bg (lower color swatch and text field) is the background color for a cell, column, or row, chosen with the color picker.

    Brdr is the border color for the cells.

    Merge Cells button combines selected cells, rows, or columns into one cell (see Splitting and merging cells). You can merge cells only if they form a rectangular or linear block.

    Split Cell button divides a cell, creating two or more cells (see Splitting and merging cells). You can split only one cell at a time; this button is disabled if more than one cell is selected.

    No Wrap prevents line wrapping, keeping all the text in a given cell on a single line. If No Wrap is enabled, cells widen to accommodate all data as you type it or paste it into a cell. (Normally, cells expand horizontally to accommodate the longest word or widest image in the cell, then expand vertically as necessary to accommodate other contents.)

    Header formats the selected cells as table header cells. The contents of table header cells are bold and centered by default.

  2. If you entered a value in a text box, press Tab or Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) to apply the value.

Related topics

  • Viewing and setting table, cell, row, and column properties
  • Selecting table elements
  • Viewing and setting table, cell, row, and column properties
  • Working with colors
  • Linking files and documents

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