Adding, removing, and changing the order of pop-up menu items

Adding, removing, and changing the order of pop-up menu items

You use the Contents tab in the Show Pop-up Menu dialog box to create menu items. You can also use this tab to remove existing items, or to change the order in which they appear in a menu.

To add pop-up menu items:

  1. In the Contents tab, create a pop-up menu item by doing the following:

    In the Text text box, select the default text (New Item), then enter the text you want to appear in the pop-up menu.

  2. Set additional options, as desired:

    If you want the menu item to open another file when clicked, in the Link text box, type the file path or click the Folder icon and browse to the document you want to open.

    If you want to set a location in which the document opens, for example in a new window or in a specific frame, in the Target pop-up menu select the desired location.

  3. Click the Plus (+) button to add additional entries to the Show Pop-Up Menu preview list.

    When you finish adding menu items, click OK to accept the default settings or select another Show Pop-Up Menu tab to set additional options.

To create a submenu item:

In the Show Pop-Up Menu list, select the item you want to make into a submenu item, then do one of the following:

  • To indent an item in the menu list, click the Indent Item button.
  • To remove an indent, click the Outdent Item button.

To change the order of an item in the menu:

  • In the Show Pop-Up Menu list, select the item you want to move up or down, then click the Up or Down arrow to move the item where you want it to appear.

To remove an item from the menu:

  1. In the Contents tab, select the menu entry you want to remove in the Show Pop-Up Menu list.
  2. Click the Minus (-) button.

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Inserting and Formatting Text
Adding Audio, Video, and Interactive Elements
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly