Setting the Clean Up HTML dialog box options

Setting the Clean Up HTML dialog box options

The purpose of this dialog box is to specify how Dreamweaver should clean up code.

To specify cleanup options:

  1. Select any of the following options:

    Remove Empty Container Tags removes any tags that have no content between them. For example, <b></b> and <font color="#FF0000"></font> are empty tags, but the <b> tag in <b>some text</b> is not.

    Remove Redundant Nested Tags removes all redundant instances of a tag. For example, in the code <b>This is what I <b>really</b> wanted to say</b>, the b tags surrounding the word really are redundant and would be removed.

    Remove Non-Dreamweaver HTML Comments removes all comments that were not inserted by Dreamweaver. For example, <!--begin body text--> would be removed, but <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> wouldn’t, because it’s a Dreamweaver comment that marks the beginning of an editable region in a template.

    Remove Dreamweaver Special Markup removes comments that Dreamweaver adds to code to allow documents to be automatically updated when templates and library items are updated. If you select this option when cleaning up code in a template-based document, the document is detached from the template. For more information, see Detaching a document from a template.

    Remove Specific Tag(s) removes the tags specified in the adjacent text box. Use this option to remove custom tags inserted by other visual editors and other tags that you don’t want to appear on your site (for example, blink). Separate multiple tags with commas (for example, font,blink).

    Combine Nested <font> Tags When Possible consolidates two or more font tags when they control the same range of text. For example, <font size="7"><font color="#FF0000">big red</font></font> would be changed to <font size="7" color="#FF0000">big red</font>.

    Show Log on Completion displays an alert box with details about the changes made to the document as soon as the cleanup is finished.

  2. Click OK.

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Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Setting Up Your Coding Environment
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly