Setting the Create Component dialog box options

Setting the Create Component dialog box options

The purpose of this dialog box is to create a new ColdFusion component.

For more information on possible values for each field in the dialog box, see the ColdFusion documentation from within Dreamweaver (Help > Using ColdFusion).

To create a new ColdFusion component:

  1. In the Component section, enter the details of the component.

    Use only letters, numbers, or the underscore character.

    The Name box specifies the .cfc filename. Don’t specify the .cfc file extension when entering the name.

    The Component Directory box specifies where the component will be saved. Select the web application’s root folder (such as \Inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\) or any of its subfolders.

  2. If you want to define one or more functions for the component, select Functions from the Section list, click the Plus (+) button, and enter the details of the new function.

    In the Return Type box, make sure to specify the type of the value returned by the function.

  3. If you want to define one or more arguments for a function, select Arguments from the Section list, select the function from the pop-up menu, click the Plus (+) button, and enter the details of the new argument on the right.
  4. Click OK to create the component.
  5. If you use a remote development server, upload the CFC file and any dependent files (such as those used to implement a function or include files) to the remote server.

    Uploading the files ensures that Dreamweaver features such as Live Data view and Preview In Browser work properly.

Related topics

  • Visually creating a component in Dreamweaver
  • About ColdFusion components

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