Creating a custom recordset navigation bar

Creating a custom recordset navigation bar

You can create a custom recordset navigation bar that uses more complex layout and formatting styles than that offered by the simple table used by the Recordset Navigation Bar server object.

To create your own recordset navigation bar, you must:

  • Design navigation links using either text or images
  • Place the links in the page in Design view
  • Assign individual server behaviors to each navigation link

To learn more about designing a custom recordset navigation bar, see Custom recordset navigation bars. If you prefer to use the Dreamweaver built-in Recordset Navigation Bar server object to create a navigation bar, see Creating a navigation bar using the Recordset Navigation Bar server behavior.

This procedure describes how to assign individual server behaviors to the navigation links.

To assign server behaviors to recordset navigation links:

  1. In Design view, select the text string or image on the page you want to use as a record navigation link.
  2. Open the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors) and click the Plus (+) button.
  3. Select Recordset Paging from the pop-up menu; then select a server behavior appropriate to that link from the listed server behaviors.

    If the recordset contains a large number of records, the Move to Last Record server behavior can take a long time to run when the user clicks the link.

  4. In the Recordset pop-up menu, select the recordset containing the records.
  5. Click OK.

    The server behavior is assigned to the navigation link.

Related topics

  • Navigating database recordset results
  • Custom recordset navigation bars

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