Dreamweaver supports accessibility features in both the Windows and Macintosh operating systems. For example, on the Macintosh you set the visual preferences in the Universal Access Preferences dialog box (Apple > System Preferences). Your settings are reflected in the Dreamweaver workspace.
Dreamweaver also supports the Windows operating systems high contrast setting. You activate this option through the Windows Control Panel. When high contrast is on, it affects Dreamweaver as follows:
For example, if you set the color to White on Black, all Dreamweaver dialog boxes and panels appear with a white foreground color and black background.
Code view uses the system window and window text color, and ignores color settings in Preferences. For example, if you set the system color to White on Black, and then change text colors in Preferences > Code Coloring, Dreamweaver ignores the colors set in Preferences and displays the code text with a white foreground color and black background.