Collapsing and expanding code fragments

Collapsing and expanding code fragments

To collapse code:

  1. Select some code.
  2. Select Edit > Code Collapse > Collapse Selection, or click one of the collapse buttons next to the selection.

To collapse the code outside a selection:

  1. In Code view, select some code.
  2. Select Edit > Code Collapse > Collapse Outside Selection.

To collapse a tag and all the content it encloses:

  1. In Code view, place the insertion point inside an opening or closing tag (for example, inside the <table> or </table> tag).
  2. Select Edit > Code Collapse > Collapse Full Tag.

To collapse the code outside a full tag:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Code view, place the insertion point inside an opening or closing tag (for example, inside the <table> or </table> tag).
    • In Code view, select part of an opening or closing tag.
  2. Select Edit > Code Collapse > Collapse Outside Full Tag.

To select a collapsed code fragment:

  • In Code view, click the collapsed code fragment.

To expand a code fragment:

  • Do one of the following:
    • In Code view, double-click the code fragment.
    • Select Edit > Code Collapse > Expand Selection.

To view the code in a collapsed code fragment without expanding it:

  • Hold the mouse pointer over the collapsed code fragment.

To expand all collapsed code fragments:

  • Select Edit > Code Collapse > Expand All.

You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to execute any of the previous commands:




Collapse Selection



Collapse Outside Selection



Expand Selection



Collapse Full Tag



Collapse Outside Full Tag



Expand All



Related topics

  • About collapsing code
  • Pasting and moving collapsed code fragments
  • Cleaning up your code
  • Inserting code quickly with the Coding toolbar

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