Template tags

Template tags

Dreamweaver uses the following template tags:

<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="..." --> 
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->

<!-- TemplateParam name="..." type="..." value="..." -->

<!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="..." --> 
<!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->

<!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="..." -->
<!-- TemplateEndIf -->

<!-- TemplateBeginPassthroughIf cond="..." -->
<!-- TemplateEndPassthroughIf -->

<!-- TemplateBeginMultipleIf -->
<!-- TemplateEndMultipleIf -->

<!-- TemplateBeginPassthroughMultipleIf -->
<!-- TemplateEndPassthroughMultipleIf -->

<!-- TemplateBeginIfClause cond="..." -->
<!-- TemplateEndIfClause -->

<!-- TemplateBeginPassthroughIfClause cond="..." -->
<!-- TemplateEndPassthroughIfClause -->

<!-- TemplateExpr expr="..." --> (equivalent to @@...@@)

<!-- TemplatePassthroughExpr expr="..." -->

<!-- TemplateInfo codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="..." -->

Related topics

  • General syntax rules
  • Instance tags

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Laying Out Pages with CSS
Managing Templates
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly