About the Check In/Check Out system

About the Check In/Check Out system

If you’re working in a collaborative environment, you can check files in and out from local and remote servers.

Checking out a file is the equivalent of declaring "I’m working on this file now--don’t touch it!" When a file is checked out, Dreamweaver displays the name of the person who checked out the file in the Files panel, along with a red check mark (if a team member checked out the file) or green check mark (if you checked out the file) next to the file’s icon.

Checking in a file makes the file available for other team members to check out and edit. When you check in a file after editing it, your local version becomes read-only and a lock symbol appears beside the file in the Files panel to prevent you from making changes to the file.

Dreamweaver does not make checked-out files read-only on the remote server. If you transfer files with an application other than Dreamweaver, you can overwrite checked-out files. However, in applications other than Dreamweaver, the LCK file is visible next to the checked-out file in the file hierarchy to help prevent such accidents.

For more information on LCK files and how the Check In/Check Out system works, see TechNote 15447 on the Macromedia website at www.macromedia.com/go/15447.

Related topics

  • Setting up the Check In/Check Out system
  • Checking files into and out of a remote folder

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