Setting Reports dialog box options

Setting Reports dialog box options

The purpose of this dialog box is to run a report on a document or site. You can run reports to improve workflow, test a site, and check accessibility.

To run a report on a document or site:

  1. Select what to report on from the Report On pop-up menu.
  2. If you want to run a report in the Workflow section, select any of the following reports:

    Checked Out By creates a report listing all documents checked out by a specific team member.

    Design Notes creates a report listing all Design Notes for selected documents or for the site.

    Recently Modified creates a report listing files that have changed during a specified time frame.

  3. If you want to run a report in the HTML section, select any of the following reports:

    Combinable Nested Font Tags creates a report that lists all nested font tags that can be combined to clean up the code.

    For example, <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">STOP!</font></font> is reported.

    Missing Alt Text creates a report listing all the img tags that don’t have alternate text.

    Alternate text appears in place of images for text-only browsers or for browsers that have been set to download images manually. Screen readers read alternate text, and some browsers display alternate text when the user mouses over the image.

    Accessibility creates a report detailing conflicts between your content and the Section 508 accessibility guidelines of the 1998 Rehabilitation Act.

    Redundant Nested Tags creates a report detailing nested tags that should be cleaned up.

    For example, <i> The rain <i> in</i> Spain stays mainly in the plain</i> is reported.

    Removable Empty Tags creates a report detailing all empty tags that can be removed to clean up the HTML code.

    For example, you may have deleted an item or image in Code view, but left behind the tags that applied to that item.

    Untitled Documents creates a report listing all the untitled documents found within the selected parameters. Dreamweaver reports all documents with default titles, duplicate titles, or missing title tags.

  4. If you selected a workflow report, click the Report Settings button. Otherwise, skip this step.
    • For Checked Out By, enter the name of a team member, then click OK to return to the Reports dialog box.
    • For Design Notes, enter one or more name and value pairs, then select comparison values from the corresponding pop-up menus. Click OK to return to the Reports dialog box.
    • For Recently Modified, see Setting Recently Modified dialog box options.
  5. Click Run to create the report or reports.

    Depending on the type of report you run, you might be prompted to save your file, define your site, or select a folder (if you haven’t already done so).

Related topics

  • Testing your site

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Working with Dreamweaver Sites
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