Cleaning up Microsoft Word HTML files

Cleaning up Microsoft Word HTML files

In Dreamweaver, you can open documents saved by Microsoft Word as HTML files, and then use the Clean Up Word HTML command to remove the extraneous HTML code generated by Word. The Clean Up Word HTML command is available for documents saved as HTML files by Word 97 or later.

The code that Dreamweaver removes is primarily used by Word to format and display documents in Word and is not needed to display the HTML file. Retain a copy of your original Word (.doc) file as a backup, because you may not be able to reopen the HTML document in Word once you’ve applied the Clean Up Word HTML feature.

To clean up HTML or XHTML that was not generated by Microsoft Word, see Cleaning up your code.

To open and clean up a Microsoft Word HTML file:

  1. If you haven’t already done so in Microsoft Word, save your document as an HTML file.
  2. Open the HTML file in Dreamweaver.

    To view the HTML code generated by Word, switch to Code view (View > Code).

  3. Select Commands > Clean Up Word HTML.

    The Clean Up Word HTML dialog box appears.

    There may be a slight delay while Dreamweaver attempts to determine which version of Word was used to save the file. If Dreamweaver is unable to determine this, select the correct version using the pop-up menu.

  4. Deselect options in the dialog box if you want.

    For more information about options in the dialog box, see Setting options for the Clean Up Word HTML dialog box.

  5. Click OK.

    Dreamweaver applies the cleanup settings to the HTML document and a log of the changes appears (unless you deselected that option in the dialog box).

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  • Importing Microsoft Office documents (Windows only)

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