Adding assets to and removing assets from the Favorites list

Adding assets to and removing assets from the Favorites list

There are several ways to add assets to your site’s Favorites list in the Assets panel.

Adding a color or URL to the Favorites list requires an extra step. Note that you can’t add new colors or URLs to the Site list; the Site list contains only assets that are already in use in your site.

To add assets to your Favorites list, do one of the following:

  • Select one or more assets in the Site list of the Assets panel, then click the Add to Favorites button at the bottom of the panel.This is a picture of the feature being described.
  • Select one or more assets in the Site list of the Assets panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh), then select Add to Favorites.
  • Select one or more files in the Files panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh), then select Add to Favorites.

    Dreamweaver ignores files that don’t fit a category in the Assets panel.

  • Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) an element in the Document window’s Design view, then select the context menu command to add the element to the appropriate Favorites category.

    Note that the context menu for text contains either Add to Color Favorites or Add to URL Favorites, depending on whether the text has a link attached. Also note that only elements that fit one of the categories in the Assets panel can be added to the Favorites list.

To add a new color or URL to the Favorites list:

  1. This is a picture of the feature being described.In the Assets panel (Window > Assets), select the Colors or URLs category on the left side of the panel.
  2. Select the Favorites option at the top of the panel to show the Favorites list.
  3. Click the New Color or New URL button at the bottom of the panel.This is a picture of the feature being described.
  4. Do one of the following
    • Select a color using the color picker, then give the color a nickname if desired (see Creating a nickname for a favorite asset).

      To exit from the color picker without selecting a color, press Escape or click the gray bar at the top of the color picker. For more information on using the color picker, see Working with colors.

    • Enter a URL and a nickname in the Add New URL dialog box, then click OK.

To remove assets from your Favorites list:

  1. In the Assets panel (Window > Assets), select the Favorites option at the top of the panel.
  2. Select one or more assets (or a folder) in the Favorites list.
  3. Click the Remove From Favorites button at the bottom of the panel.This is a picture of the feature being described.

    The assets are removed from the Favorites list, but they still appear in the Site list. If you remove a Favorites folder, the folder and all of the assets in it are removed from the Favorites list.

Related topics

  • Viewing assets in the Assets panel
  • Creating a nickname for a favorite asset
  • Grouping assets in a Favorites folder

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