Setting Insert Jump Menu options

Setting Insert Jump Menu options

The purpose of this dialog box is to set up a jump menu.

To set the options for jump menus:

  1. Click the Plus (+) button to add a menu item.

    Click the button again to add additional menu items. Select a menu item and click the Minus (-) button to remove an item.

  2. Select a menu item, and then use the arrow keys to move it up or down in the list.
  3. In the Text text box, type the text you want to appear in the menu list for a menu item.

    To use a menu selection prompt, such as "Choose One," enter your selection text in the Text text box for the first menu item.

  4. In the When Selected Go To URL text box, click the folder icon to browse to the file to open, or type the file path in the text box.
  5. In the Open URLs In pop-up menu, select a location in which to open the file:
    • Main Window opens the file in the same window.
    • Frame opens the file in the frame you select.
  6. In the Menu Name text box, type a name for the menu item.
  7. Under Options, select Insert Go Button After Menu to add a Go button instead of a menu selection prompt.
  8. Under Options, select Select First Item After URL Change if you use a menu selection prompt (such as Choose One).
  9. Click OK.

Related topics

  • Inserting jump menus
  • Troubleshooting jump menus

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