Comparing when synchronizing files

Comparing when synchronizing files

You can compare the local versions of your files with the remote versions when you synchronize your site files with Dreamweaver.

Before you start, you must install a file comparison tool on your system and specify it in Dreamweaver. For more information, see Specifying a comparison tool in Dreamweaver.

To compare files during a synchronization:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Files panel and select Synchronize from the context menu.

    The Synchronize Files dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the Synchronize Files dialog box and click Preview.

    For more information, see Synchronizing the files on your local and remote sites.

    After you click Preview, Dreamweaver lists the selected files and the actions it will take during synchronization.

  3. In the list, select each file you want to compare and click the Compare button (the icon with two small pages).

    Dreamweaver launches the comparison tool, which compares the local and remote versions of each file you selected.

Related topics

  • Comparing two files
  • Comparing before putting files

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