Making quick changes to a code selection

Making quick changes to a code selection

You can select code and then make quick changes to it using a context menu.

To make quick changes to selected code:

  1. In Code view, select some code and right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh). In the context menu, select the Selection submenu.
  2. Select one of the following options from the submenu:

    Comment Out Lines adds comment tags around selected lines. If a line is partially selected, the entire line is commented out. You can use this tool to comment out potentially incorrect code when debugging a page.

    Uncomment Lines removes comment marks from the beginning and end of any lines within the commented out selection. It works on entire lines only, not on comments within lines.

    Convert Tabs to Spaces converts each tab in the selection to a number of spaces equal to the Tab Size value set in Code Format preferences. For more information, see Setting code formatting preferences.

    Convert Spaces to Tabs converts runs of spaces in the selection to tabs. Each run of spaces that has a number of spaces equal to the tab size is converted to one tab.

    Indent indents the selection, shifting it to the right. For more information about indenting and outdenting, see Indenting code blocks.

    Outdent shifts the selection to the left.

    Remove All Tags removes all the tags in the selection.

    Convert Lines to Table wraps the selection in a table tag with no attributes.

    Add Line Breaks adds a br tag at the end of each line of the selection.

    Convert to Uppercase converts all letters in the selection (including tag and attribute names and values) to uppercase.

    Convert to Lowercase converts all letters in the selection (including tag and attribute names and values) to lowercase.

    Convert Tags to Uppercase converts all tag and attribute names and attribute values in the selection to uppercase.

    Convert Tags to Lowercase converts all tag and attribute names and attribute values in the selection to lowercase.

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Making Pages Dynamic
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