Call JavaScript

Call JavaScript

The Call JavaScript action lets you use the Behaviors panel to specify that a custom function or line of JavaScript code should be executed when an event occurs. (You can write the JavaScript yourself, or you can use code provided by various freely available JavaScript libraries on the web.)

To use the Call JavaScript action:

  1. Select an object and open the Behaviors panel.
  2. Click the Plus (+) button and select Call JavaScript from the Actions pop-up menu.
  3. Type the exact JavaScript to be executed, or type the name of a function.

    For example, to create a Back button, you might type if (history.length > 0){history.back()}. If you have encapsulated your code in a function, type only the function name (for example, hogback()).

  4. Click OK.
  5. Check that the default event is the one you want.

    If it isn’t, select another event from the pop-up menu. If the events you want are not listed, change the target browser in the Show Events For pop-up menu.

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